Friday, February 11, 2011

Five questions from

1.    What’s the best thing about being awake when the rest of the world seems to be sleeping? 

  • Well, if I happen to but up late, (which rarely happens) it is a time for me to get things done (usually straightening the house or pay some bills).

2.    Where can you go when you get a case of the late-night munchies?
  • I usually run to the filing cabinet where I store my Zone Perfect Bars….I try to eat balanced and that is the quickest thing to reach for that is balanced.

3. What open-all-night establishment has saved you from  catastrophe, and what were the circumstances?
  • CVS….whenever we run out of a prescription that is needed for the next day.

4.    What’s the worst thing about being awake when the rest of the world seems to be sleeping?

  • Since I am surrounded by noise for most of the day, there is no worst thing! J

5.    When you are up all night at home for whatever reason, what’s most likely to be on the television to keep you company?

  • Usually, I would turn to TCM (Turner Classic Movies), but now that I have Netflix on both floors, it will be whatever movie or sitcom I’d like to watch!

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