Good things come to those who wait....
It has been a long month and this weekend, I decided to take off. A well deserved rest. It has been fun spending time with my immediate family and some extended, too. Having this time also allows me to indulge some time with you in my blog. :0)
Today is the day of the 1st annual Solidarity Walk for my kid's school. I am not quite sure why they named it that, but I am sure I will hear a reason today from our wonderful Principal. It is the PERFECT day for the walk and for that I am grateful. Ok, now that we have the back story set, I was dressing my youngest and helping her with her socks (which she requested) and she pulled away from me and said "Mmmmmph! I want the pink ones!" and crossed her legs in retaliation while she was lying on her back. I gave her a little pinch and showed her that they were indeed the ones she asked for, when she uncrossed her legs and allowed me to help her. Now I say allowed, because if you know her, (she is a Leo) she thinks she is the boss, and until you let her know she is not, she will continue to sit on the throne. Anyway, as she was pulling away, I could not help but think how God feels when we pull away from Him and the things He is giving us. We ask for things all the time through intention or prayer and what do we do? We pull away! "Mmmmmph! I wanted the (fill in the blank) one!!" We think we know what's best for us and we get mad or upset or feel a little off when we don't get our way. We must be so funny to God. All of us, His children, spoiled (for the most part) and not as grateful as we could be. It would be so much easier if we could just see Him, but that would be imposing and I don't think He would have wanted it that way. I can tell you many times in my life when I wasn't getting my way and I was NOT HAPPY about it, only to find that there was something a LOT better was waiting for me, just as God planned. I will give you an instance. When I was waiting to hear back from the lending institution about getting the money for a condo we wanted in Morristown, we did not qualify, and I was SOOOO upset. I thought it was wonderful and after we were denied, I thought we were down for the count and we would never move out of the tiny apartment next door to my Mom. I cried.....lay down on my bed and just let it all out. What, was God ignoring me?!? Several days later, another phone call came in. ANOTHER place was available and guess what? We qualified for it!!! DOUBLE the space and brand new! Everything we wanted and more. God was listening. I just needed to be patient and wait for it. A lesson I still need to learn day by day.
Loudly yours,
I was pleasantly surprised at Mass this morning when Fr Al spoke about why God does not reveal Himself to us. According to the story, a man asked his Rabbi why God does not reveal Himself to us as He did in the Bible times of old. The Rabbi replied, perhaps because there is no one left who can bow low enough. I love when I feel as if God replied directly to me. Maybe I should take it as a sign that I am not bowing down low enough...