Wednesday, November 10, 2010

About last night....

Last night was Tuesday night....a fun night for me.  I had a nice dinner with the family, topped off with a nice glass of wine mixed with crushed frozen fruit....a great way to end a night. I was ready for one more indulgence...Glee!  I have not seen it in a while since they ran a couple of re-runs, but tonight was the night for a new episode....goody!!  I settled on my favorite part of the couch, the chaise lounge, and was ready!   I especially love Glee for its song and dance side, being a "showy" kind of girl.  I just LOVE the musical numbers and how wonderfully they recreate songs as well as the talent that is sooo obvious. It just pulled at my heartstrings to see the under dogs of the show being put down so low and the compassion of the characters to try to make it alright.  While I do love all the "love" that is going around, it would be remiss to ignore the fact that my little girl lost some of her innocence last night when the kissing scene came on in the middle of the show.  I can take that sort of thing and put it into perspective, but I was not ready to have the scene exposed to my 6th grader.  Of course I was scolded by my older kids and spouse for allowing her to view the show, but it has become a popular show for the middle school aged kids in her school and I wanted to give her some fodder for lunch time conversation in the cafeteria.  If I had a clue that locker scene was coming, I would have not had her there to watch.  I struggle with the internal fight of allowing my little girl to grow up and trying my best to preserve her innocence.  I know she will inevitably grow up to be a woman, but I want it on her own time clock, not the time clock that Hollywood is presuming.
I guess that is why I will not be watching Glee at my home anymore without previewing it first.


  1. BUT....of course I will still watch my favorite show...just out at my friend's house or on line. :)

  2. To be honest, I've never watched an entire episode of Glee, so last night was my first. There's a lot of sexual content, at least last night there was. Between picturing Coach Beast to "cool off", being the only "out" kid in the high school, and the "crip" and his endeavor to "tap that," I am surprised that middle school aged kids watch the show. Out of curiosity, has your daughter ever asked questions about that content? How did she handle the kiss and subsequent gay confusion (for the football player)? I'm a long ways off from those kinds of questions, but I'm curious as to how you handled it.

  3. You are so ignorant! They have done so much worse things in the show (i.e. Puck's sexual endeavors, Will and April Rhodes). To say that your daughter "lost her innocence" is a complete and utter over-exaggeration. Are you sure that you're not just a homophobe? It sounds to me like you are. Last night's episode was astonishing and since you don't approve of homosexuality you thought it was "inappropriate".

  4. Thanks for your opinion, Lily. Don't appreciate the ignorant comment, but you are entitled to your opinion. There have been worse things, but she was not there to watch it. As far as being a homophobe, you obviously do not know me. I can be mellow dramatic at best. The show was awesome last night....for me, but not for my daughter.

  5. Christina,
    I asked Rachael about how she felt and she said she did not know how she felt. I think she is fine, but if I saw the scene coming, I would have asked her to leave. It was a total surprise....I don't think many saw it coming. It was a total shock for me...I thought the football player hated him! I loved the way Kurt was so happy with his new friend and was more expecting any kind of kissing scene to come from that direction. I have not spoken to Rachael about homosexuality yet...seems like I just got done having the sex talk with her! She is adjusting to a new school and wanted to give her a leg up on what was going on with Glee and she got an eye full! I will speak to her again and see where it goes from there.
    I will let you know. :)

  6. Christina,
    I spoke to her tonight. She said, "Mom, don't remind me of things I don't want to remember that I saw!" So, she's not up to talking about it. I guess it just confused her.
