Sunday, August 14, 2011

Five question Friday!

Five Question Friday

  1. Bully, teacher’s pet, geek, shy kid in the corner, or something else?
I did not have a great self esteem in school since I was made fun of for being different than everyone else.  I had friends, but I was definitely not part of the cool crowd.  I would not say I was a geek, but I was the class flirt in Elementary, so I was definitely friendly. :)

What did/do you usually eat during lunch time at school?
In Elementary, whatever my Mom packed, but in High School, I remember lots of diet cokes and crunchy cheese doodles.  :)

What did/do you normally wear to school? Thinking back to what you wore(if you’ve already graduated), do you like it?
For most of the time, whatever the school uniform was.  I really did not mind wearing uniforms to school....always knew what I was wearing everyday!  Once I went to public school my senior year, tight jeans, heels (I always had the best shoes since I worked most of my teenage years in shoe stores) or sneakers, whatever the latest tops would be.  For the most I did like what I wore in high school.  I always remember laying down on the bed to zip up my jeans, and blousing my shirts.
Any sports/activities/clubs you participate(d) in?
My sister forced me to play softball and I HATED it with a passion, but I did it to be closer to my Sister and to be a part of a team.  In high school I ran track, but always felt like a loser since I always came in last EVERY time.  I definitively am not much of a sport person...but...I did like tennis and was good at it before I broke my arm in Ecuador.  I also enjoyed playing pool and was really good at it.

Any worthwhile friends you (would) still keep up with after graduation?
Yes, and thanks to facebook, we are closer than we would be if facebook did not exist.  Mostly, any other school friends I have otherwise are from church with the exception of 2 people, who I would always be friends with: June and Michelle.  June was from my neighborhood friend and Michelle I met at work and we attended College together. 

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