Friday, March 23, 2012

Five Question Friday 3/23/12

1. If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where?

Hop in the car and drive?  I would drive to the Outer Banks, or High Point, NJ or Bushkill Falls, PA or to Frenchtown, NJ  to see Two Buttons, the place owned by the Author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert.

Hop a plane?  Ecuador, the Galapagos, Cancun, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Machu Pichu, Peru.  I miss Ecuador very much.

2. What's your most recently read favorite book?

The Medium Next Door...very cool read.  It's about the adventures of a Medium in the Boston, Mass area.

3. What's your favorite Spring Break memory?

I never remember going anywhere outlandish for Spring Break because I was usually working, but as a parent, I loved our family trip to Washington, DC, when we rented a van, headed down and had a great time seeing the sites, the Cherry Blossoms,
the armed guards (they were huge) and the company of our extended family in the DC area.

4. What do you put in your child's Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket?

Candy, colored eggs, peeps, jelly beans, chocolate....the standard.  Once we put jello eggs and this year, I might do the rice crispy eggs, since they look so cool.  I usually also include a movie they want to see and after church is over we all sit down to watch the movie they got.  Good fun.

5. Do you get a summer haircut?

Maybe a summer trim, but I do like playing around with the styles you can have fun with when you have long hair.  I like knotting it and trying out new looks.  Anything I can copy. :)

Loudly yours,


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