Friday, February 18, 2011

Five question Friday!

Five Question Friday 

1.  Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?
Embarrassed to say, yes….but in my defense, it is usually an outfit that I changed into late in the prior day.  The worst one was when I was caught by a neighbor!! “Isn’t that what you were wearing yesterday?!?”  Oh my gosh….I had to tell her yes. <<blush>>

2.  If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in,
which would it be?
Oh, my gosh! If you know me well enough, you would know it would be NYC!!  I just love being there. Don’t even mind the hour and a half commute it takes me to get to the office in Long Island City, since I get to go right through the heart of the City.  <3  My favorite, though is driving back home down 37th Ave.  I so want to stop and shop!!!
I have been there several times, but I still have so much to see there.

3.  Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
It all depends on where we are going!  If it is a place like Florida (from NJ) then definitely fly.  My kids may not behave as well as I want them to at home, but on a trip, they are great.  I can’t wait to take them to Ecuador.  I am just dying to go back.

4.  What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?
My idea of spring cleaning is taking the winter clothes down to the basement and bringing up the spring/summer clothes. It is a daunting chore, but has to be done.  Since we have been having nice weather, my basement has been raided by the kids for short sleeves! It is almost time.  It is also time to clean the things that normally don’t get cleaned, like curtains and such.

5. What is the best book you have ever read?
                The best book I have ever read…..gosh there are a lot, but what comes to mind is Think and 
               Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.  I also love to read Joyce Meyers and The books on Love Languages.

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